NOTIFAL/ (VENEZUELA) Coro, Estado falcón.- El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, Diosdado Cabello, criticó a la oposición venezolana señalando que están claros con respecto a lo que van a hacer sobre los próximos eventos que pudieran tener lugar en el país.
Cabello hizo referencia sobre la ausencia del presidente durante este 10 de
enero por motivos sobrevenidos debido al reposo que guarda despues de la cirugía en Cuba y dijo "aquí no hay vacío de poder, sino de oposición" criticó
Cabello a los partidos de oposición.
Los reductos opositores proponían reiteradamente que el Presidente del parlamento Nacional Disodado Cabello, debía asumir la Presidencia de la República apartando el articulado de la Constitución Nacional
y en consecuencia dar un golpe de estado, recibiendo como respuesta : "Al desconcer lo establecido en esta constitución, ustedes estarían dando un golpe de estado como sucedió en Paraguay, pero se equivocan una vez más; este no es el parlamento de Paraguay ni yo soy Franco".
El Presidente (AN) Diosdado Cabello, sometió a consideración de los diputados presentes; las dos propuestas siendo APROBADA POR INMENSA MAYORÍA, LA RATIFICACION DEL PERMISO AL PRESIDENTE HUGO CHAVEZ con el exhorto para que primer mandatario siga cumpliendo con su reposo hasta que venga a reincorporarse a sus funciones como presidente reelecto por el pueblo el pasado 07 de octubre del 2012.
NOTIFAL / (VENEZUELA) Coro, Falcón State. - The National Assembly president, Diosdado Cabello, Venezuela's opposition criticized noting that they are clear about what they will do about upcoming events that may take place in the country.
Hair made reference to the absence of the president during this January 10 for reasons that have occurred due to stand guard after surgery in Cuba and said "there is no power vacuum, but opposition" Hair criticized the opposition parties.
The opposition strongholds repeatedly proposed that the President of the National Parliament Disodado Cabello, should assume the presidency away the articles of the Constitution
and therefore give a coup, they answer: "When disconcerting provisions in this constitution, you would be giving a coup as in Paraguay, but wrong again, this is not the parliament of Paraguay and I Franco am. "
The President (AN) Diosdado Cabello, submitted for consideration by the Members present two proposals being approved by an overwhelming majority, the ratification of President Hugo Chavez PERMISSION to urge president to continue fulfilling his rest until he comes to return his duties as president reelected by the people last October 7, 2012.
Hair made reference to the absence of the president during this January 10 for reasons that have occurred due to stand guard after surgery in Cuba and said "there is no power vacuum, but opposition" Hair criticized the opposition parties.
The opposition strongholds repeatedly proposed that the President of the National Parliament Disodado Cabello, should assume the presidency away the articles of the Constitution
and therefore give a coup, they answer: "When disconcerting provisions in this constitution, you would be giving a coup as in Paraguay, but wrong again, this is not the parliament of Paraguay and I Franco am. "
The President (AN) Diosdado Cabello, submitted for consideration by the Members present two proposals being approved by an overwhelming majority, the ratification of President Hugo Chavez PERMISSION to urge president to continue fulfilling his rest until he comes to return his duties as president reelected by the people last October 7, 2012.
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