Los colombianos salieron a la calle a protestar la presencia en su país del líder de la oposición en venezuela Capriles Radonsky, numerosos simpatizantes del fallecido presidente y Comandante Supremo Hugo Chávez y del actual presidente Nicolás Maduro, con pancartas, pitos y cacerolas lanzaron sus consignas en contra del excandidato presidencial Henrique Capriles Radonski, en la Plaza Bolívar de Bogotá. "El no es digno de pisar esta tierra hermana de venezuela",.. Fuera de aquí Capriles..! gritaban los colombianos en las calles de Bogotá.
Con pancartas que acusaban a Capriles Radonski de "asesino","persona no grata", y hacian el llamado tambien a los venezolanos radicados en tierras neogranadinas para que expresaran su descontento con la visita del excandidato presidencial que sembró el odio en venezuela el 15 de abril, un día despues de perder las elecciones cuando hizo el llamado a sus seguidores para salir a la calle a descagar "las arrecheras" porque los votos no le favorecieron, sin embargo, su llamado causó la muerte de 10 venezolanos militantes del PSUV.
The Colombians took to the streets to protest the presence in their country of opposition leader Capriles in Venezuela, many supporters of the late President and Supreme Commander Hugo Chavez and the current president Nicolas Maduro, with banners, whistles and threw their slogans pans against the former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, the Plaza Bolivar in Bogota. "He is not worthy to tread this sister of Venezuela", .. Capriles outta here ..! Colombian shouted in the streets of Bogota.
With placards accusing Capriles of "murderer", "persona non grata", and also they made the call to land Venezuelans living in New Granada to express their dissatisfaction with the visit of former presidential candidate who sowed hatred in Venezuela 15 April, the day after losing the election when he made the call to his followers to go out to descagar "the arrecheras" because the votes are not favored him, however, his call caused the death of 10 Venezuelan PSUV.
The Colombians took to the streets to protest the presence in their country of opposition leader Capriles in Venezuela, many supporters of the late President and Supreme Commander Hugo Chavez and the current president Nicolas Maduro, with banners, whistles and threw their slogans pans against the former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, the Plaza Bolivar in Bogota. "He is not worthy to tread this sister of Venezuela", .. Capriles outta here ..! Colombian shouted in the streets of Bogota.
With placards accusing Capriles of "murderer", "persona non grata", and also they made the call to land Venezuelans living in New Granada to express their dissatisfaction with the visit of former presidential candidate who sowed hatred in Venezuela 15 April, the day after losing the election when he made the call to his followers to go out to descagar "the arrecheras" because the votes are not favored him, however, his call caused the death of 10 Venezuelan PSUV.
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