NOTIFAL/ (VENEZUELA) Lunes 08 de abril del 2013 Especial.- Roy Chaderton, Embajador de Venezuela ante la OEA, manifestó que el sentimiento de dolor que embarga a los seguidores de Hugo
Chávez, los impulsó mas a seguir adelante con su obra, la gente salió a la calle y quienes hicieron el 1x10 por Hugo Chávez, se mutiplicaron con el 1x20 a favor de Nicolás Maduro con euforia, sentido de compromiso. Chávez se multiplicó en nosotros”.
“Aquí está ocurriendo un fenómeno y no solo en Venezuela; Chávez logró darle vida a lo que no pudieron darle vida los burócratas de la iglesia, que es el fortalecimiento o la recuperación de los valores cristianos, la vida cotidiana, la oración”, expresó Chaderton.
Evaluó el discurso del candidato opositor y opinó que su capacidad
para expresarse “es limitada. El común del pueblo, en tiempos de la lV
república no sabía expresarse y ahora es fácil encontrar gente que se
exprese sin los titubeos del candidato de oposicion”.
Con relación al acto efectuado por Capriles, este domingo
en la avenida Bolívar, Chaderton sostuvo que al visualizar a los
seguidores del candidato opositor “en las infraestructuras de la Gmvv, hay un engolosinamiento con las propiedades del Estado,
recuperando lo que se le ha dado al pueblo, buscan opacar todos los cambios que llevó adelante el presidente
Chávez” y eso es imposible porque en todas partes está la presencia de Chávez a través de su obra y para donde se mire se ve, hasta en el cielo porque allá está el satélite Simón Bolívar y el Francisco de Miranda como puntal del desarrollo tecnológico que es obra de Hugo Chávez.
“Lo que está en aplicación en este momento, por parte de la
oposición, es el plan (b), el plan (b) es la vía electoral y el (a) es
la desestabilización permanente y por eso el intento de descalificación
del CNE los lleva tanto a un desconocimiento súbito del resultado
electoral, sino tambien a sembrar dudas dentro de la comunidad internacional
acerca de la idoneidad del proceso electoral venezolano que es uno de los mejores del mundo, con miras a
otros planes que es el (a) la desestabilización“, puntualizó el Embajador de Venezuela ante la OEA.
Por otro lado, Samuel Moncada, Historiador y Analista Político, expresó que “cuando Capriles imita al presidente Chávez, está declarando su derrota”, porque son cosas totalmente opuestas, se trata de aspectos de significativa importancia ya que Capriles encarna hasta los tuetanos la burguesía capitalista que tanto daño le hizo al país casi medio siglo. Entre tanto, Nicolás Maduro representa el nuevo y verdadero proyecto con la participación del pueblo que dejó muy bien definido el Presidente Hugo Chávez.
“Para la oposición fue un error, es una misión condenada al fracaso cuando Capriles ahora busca imitar a Chávez.
La imitación es la forma más sincera de la adulación y con estos actos busca hacerse pasar por chavista”, cuando eso es como el agua y el aceite expresó Moncada al ser entrevistado
en el programa Toda Venezuela, transmitido por Venezolana de
/ (VENEZUELA) Monday April 8, 2013 Special. - Roy Chaderton, Ambassador
of Venezuela to the OAS, said the feeling of pain felt by supporters of
Hugo Chavez, the impulse to move on with his work, the People
took to the streets and who made the 1x10 by Hugo Chavez, the 1x20
mutiplicaron for Nicolas Maduro with euphoria, a sense of commitment. Chavez was multiplied in us. "
"This phenomenon is occurring not just in Venezuela, Chavez was able to give life to what life could not give the bureaucrats of the church, which is the strengthening or restoration of Christian values, daily life, prayer," said Chaderton.
Evaluated the speech of opposition candidate and believed that his ability to express "is limited. The common people, in times of the republic could not express lV and now easy to find people to be expressed without the hesitation of the opposition candidate. "
Regarding the act by Capriles, this Sunday on Avenida Bolivar, Chaderton said when viewing the followers of opposition candidate "in the Gmvv infrastructure, there is a engolosinamiento with state property, taking back what has been given the people, seeking overshadow all the changes that led the President Chavez "and that is impossible because everywhere is the presence of Chavez through his work and look where it looks up in the sky because there is the satellite Simon Bolivar and Francisco de Miranda as a mainstay of technological development is the work of Hugo Chavez.
"What is at implementation at this time, by the opposition, is the plan (b) plan (b) is the electoral and (a) is the permanent destabilization and therefore the attempt to disqualify the CNE therefore leads to a sudden lack of election results, but also to sow doubts in the international community about the suitability of the Venezuelan electoral process is one of the best in the world, with a view to other plans that is (a) the destabilization, "the Ambassador of Venezuela to the OAS.
On the other hand, Samuel Moncada, historian and political analyst, said that "when Capriles mimics President Chavez, is declaring defeat" because they are completely opposite things, it is significant aspects as Capriles embodies the bourgeois to the core capitalist who did so much damage to the country nearly half a century. Meanwhile, Nicolas Maduro represents the new and real project with the participation of the people who left well defined President Hugo Chavez.
"The opposition was a mistake, it's a doomed mission when Capriles now seeks to imitate Chavez. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and these acts impersonate Chavez seeks ", when it is like water and oil Moncada said when interviewed on the program All Venezuela, broadcast by Venezolana de Television.
"This phenomenon is occurring not just in Venezuela, Chavez was able to give life to what life could not give the bureaucrats of the church, which is the strengthening or restoration of Christian values, daily life, prayer," said Chaderton.
Evaluated the speech of opposition candidate and believed that his ability to express "is limited. The common people, in times of the republic could not express lV and now easy to find people to be expressed without the hesitation of the opposition candidate. "
Regarding the act by Capriles, this Sunday on Avenida Bolivar, Chaderton said when viewing the followers of opposition candidate "in the Gmvv infrastructure, there is a engolosinamiento with state property, taking back what has been given the people, seeking overshadow all the changes that led the President Chavez "and that is impossible because everywhere is the presence of Chavez through his work and look where it looks up in the sky because there is the satellite Simon Bolivar and Francisco de Miranda as a mainstay of technological development is the work of Hugo Chavez.
"What is at implementation at this time, by the opposition, is the plan (b) plan (b) is the electoral and (a) is the permanent destabilization and therefore the attempt to disqualify the CNE therefore leads to a sudden lack of election results, but also to sow doubts in the international community about the suitability of the Venezuelan electoral process is one of the best in the world, with a view to other plans that is (a) the destabilization, "the Ambassador of Venezuela to the OAS.
On the other hand, Samuel Moncada, historian and political analyst, said that "when Capriles mimics President Chavez, is declaring defeat" because they are completely opposite things, it is significant aspects as Capriles embodies the bourgeois to the core capitalist who did so much damage to the country nearly half a century. Meanwhile, Nicolas Maduro represents the new and real project with the participation of the people who left well defined President Hugo Chavez.
"The opposition was a mistake, it's a doomed mission when Capriles now seeks to imitate Chavez. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and these acts impersonate Chavez seeks ", when it is like water and oil Moncada said when interviewed on the program All Venezuela, broadcast by Venezolana de Television.
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